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Moore then went on to describe how a typical script might read before the science consultants did their thing:La Forge: "Captain, the tech is overteching."
Picard: "Well, route the auxiliary tech to the tech, Mr. La Forge."
La Forge: "No, Captain. Captain, I've tried to tech the tech, and it won't work."
Picard: "Well, then we're doomed."
"And then Data pops up and says, 'Captain, there is a theory that if you tech the other tech … '" Moore said. "It's a rhythm and it's a structure, and the words are meaningless. It's not about anything except just sort of going through this dance of how they tech their way out of it."
Ich finde ja, daraus sollten wir ein neues Internet-Meme machen. "Und dann habe ich das tech auf meinen tech angewendet, um die Überhitzung meines tech zu vermeiden."Update: geht schon los!