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Hacker ‘Andrew,’ who had close ties with American intelligence services, accessed thousands of hotel reservations in Middle-Eastern countries. did not report the data breach to customers or authorities.
Wie sähe das denn auch aus! Das würde die Bevölkerung verunsichern!Ja, äh, wie, fragt ihr euch jetzt vielleicht, das ist doch in der DSGVO explizit vorgeschrieben? Nun, dieser Fall war schon 2016. requested help from the Dutch intelligence service, AIVD, in its investigation into the extensive data breach, but did not notify the affected customers or the Dutch Data Protection Authority (AP). The management claims it was not legally required to do so at the time, based on advice it received from the law firm Hogan Lovells. The AP declined to comment.
Seht ihr? Sind alles Mittäter.