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Wie kann es denn so eine bescheuerte Hintertür in den US-Steuergesetzen geben?!
Nun, wie sich rausstellt, ist das schon länger bekannt. Und die haben auch versucht, was zu tun, die US-Finanzbehörden:
In new guidance, the department tightened regulations requiring American businesses to bring foreign profits back home — a process known as repatriation — if they want to get credit for taxes paid in that country. Treasury issued the rule last year to prevent companies from enjoying a foreign tax credit when the related profits remained offshore. But businesses circumvented it by shifting money within their foreign subsidiaries, and Thursday's guidance aimed to end that practice.The department said it hoped the new notice would reduce corporate America’s incentive to “take advantage of our broken international tax system.” Washington is worried that mounting international tax obligations will eat away at what's left for Uncle Sam.
Ich glaube ja bei sowas nicht an Zufälle. Das war bestimmt harte Lobbyarbeit, diese Hintertüren da unterzubringen.