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Die Uni Montreal hat das mal durchgerechnet und kotzt sich mal ordentlich aus:
Springer believes that its collection provides an excellent price-quality ratio for UdeM based on the 2,266 journals available in their bundle. UdeM Libraries sees things differently because it only considers, in its assessment, titles that meet the needs of its community. A survey conducted recently with the university community established that only 256 titles (or 11.6%) within the Springer collection are needed for research and teaching at UdeM. Part of the strategy of commercial publishers is to increase the number of journals in their bundle to justify their exorbitant rates.Average cost for viewing or printing articles at UdeM also confirms the unjustified pricing: Springer’s articles end up being 225% more expensive at UdeM compared to Elsevier’s. Université de Sherbrooke and UQAM libraries have cancelled their subscriptions to Springer’s collection.
Und DAS hat mich jetzt doch vom Hocker gehauen, denn Elsevier habe ich immer als den Buhmann kennengelernt, weil die so krass überzogene Preise aufgerufen haben. Und Springer ist nochmal mehr als doppelt so teuer!? Wow.