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Ryabkov emphasized that "no one can deliver Iran to the U.S., except the U.S. itself," and argued that, while the S-300 sale was "frozen," the "less Moscow heard from Washington about it, the better."
Bwahahahaha. Man sieht auch schön, wie die atomare Abrüstung und der neue START-Vertrag fast vollständig von den Russen getragen werden. Die müssen die Amis richtiggehend dazu überreden, sich überhaupt damit auseinanderzusetzen. Eine echte Schande. Die Russen haben auch explizit angesprochen, dass man die Briten in die Abrüstungsgespräche involvieren sollte. Kann ich gut nachvollziehen, ich hätte da auch eher die Briten als die Franzosen genannt.Iran wielded a lot of influence in the region, including on Afghanistan, Iraq, Hizbollah, Hamas, Gaza, etc. Iran had long been concerned about Israel, and saw Pakistan as a nuclear-weapons competitor. Putin had asked Ahmadinejad during a meeting in Tehran a few years before why he made such anti-Israeli statements, but Ahmadinejad had not responded, only saying that Iran was "not doing anything in the nuclear sphere different from Brazil." Putin had replied that Brazil was not in the Middle East.
:-)While Iran wanted to dominate the region and the Islamic world, which was of concern to Arab governments, the U.S. should realize that the "Arab Street" considers Iranian leaders to be heroes.
Und noch ein schöner Einblick in russische Diplomatie:Lavrov acknowledged that Russia was not supplying the system "for the moment," but reiterated the usual mantra that Russia's S-300 contract with Iran did not violate any international or national laws or arms control regimes, and that the S-300's were a defensive system only. He added that nothing Russia had sold Iran had been used against anyone, whereas U.S. weapons provided to Georgia had been used against Russian soldiers. […] Overall, he said, the Iranians had legitimate security concerns. They had been attacked more than once by their neighbors, and saw Pakistan's nuclear status as "competition for regional leadership."