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Merkel is particularly irritated with German MEPs from her Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and sister Christian Social Union (CSU) parties, most of whom reportedly voted against the agreement despite previously indicating they would support it.
Schlimmer noch, in der Presse kommen nur die Neinsager zu Wort!1!! Völlig klar, da muss man handeln. Hier ist, was die Amis vorschlagen:These events suggest the need to intensify our engagement with German government interlocutors, Bundestag and European parliamentarians, and opinion makers to demonstrate that the U.S. has strong data privacy measures in place.
HAHAHAHAHA, oh tatsächlich? Welche denn so? *schenkelklopf*Oh und falls noch jemand Zweifel daran hatte, dass die Merkel wirklich alles so unkritisch frisst, was die Amis ihr an Rhetorik hinwerfen:
Merkel also worried about the ramifications (presumably within Europe and for transatlantic relations) that might follow were a terrorist attack to occur that could have been prevented had SWIFT data been exchanged.
Die Amis sind übrigens schockiert — SCHOCKIERT!!1! —, wie wenig wir ihnen ihre Rhetorik abkaufen, sie würden die Daten schon nicht missbrauchen.Paranoia runs deep especially about U.S. intelligence agencies. We were astonished to learn how quickly rumors about alleged U.S. economic espionage — at first associated with the new U.S. air passenger registration system (ESTA), then with TFTP — gained currency among German parliamentarians in the run-up to the February 11 vote in Strasbourg.
Oh und übrigens, De Maiziere wird von den Amis als SWIFT-Abkommens-Proponent gehandelt, der sich nur nicht durchsetzen konnte, weil die FDP das Justizministerium besetzt hat.