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The law in the Netherlands says that intercepted phone calls between attorneys and their clients must be destroyed. But the Dutch government has been keeping under wraps for years that no one has the foggiest clue how to delete them (Google translation). Now, an email (PDF) from the National Police Services Agency (KLPD) has surfaced, revealing that the working of the technology in question is a NetApp trade secret. The Dutch police are now trying to get their Israeli supplier Verint to tell them how to delete tapped calls and comply with the law. Meanwhile, attorneys in the Netherlands remain afraid to use their phones.
Da kommt einmal alles zusammen. Dateien Löschen ist ein NetApp Trade Secret? Das ist ja wohl die großartigste Ausrede, die wir je hatten! Das ist ja noch besser als die Chewbacca Defense!Oh und Verint? Googelt das mal. Da kommt mal wieder alles zusammen, der perfekte Sturm.