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The statement, read out by Archbishop Silvano Tomasi, the Vatican's permanent observer to the UN, defended its record by claiming that "available research" showed that only 1.5%-5% of Catholic clergy were involved in child sex abuse.
Höchstens 5% der Priester sind in Kindesmißbrauch verwickelt! Also wenn das keine beruhigende Nachricht ist, dann weiß ich auch nicht.Der Rest des Artikels ist auch großartig:
He also quoted statistics from the Christian Scientist Monitor newspaper to show that most US churches being hit by child sex abuse allegations were Protestant and that sexual abuse within Jewish communities was common.
Aha! Bei den Juden ist das total häufig, die Kinder zu mißbrauchen. Das werden die Juden vermutlich anders sehen…Oh und außerdem sind die Kinder ja selber schuld:
He added that sexual abuse was far more likely to be committed by family members, babysitters, friends, relatives or neighbours, and male children were quite often guilty of sexual molestation of other children.
Ach ja, und es ist eigentlich auch gar nicht Pädophilie, was die katholische Kirche da betreibt, sondern Ephebophilie.The statement said that rather than paedophilia, it would "be more correct" to speak of ephebophilia, a homosexual attraction to adolescent males.
Keine weiteren Fragen, Euer Ehren. (Danke, Kristian)